Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Is this thing on?

Okay.  So I'm new at this thing but I think it is of some sort of importance that I document some of the work that I do, musings, and other miscellany to some sort of "something out there" for the benefit of my own sanity, to help others, and to reach out to other nerds in the world.

I'm 30.  My life is currently beautiful, full, and fascinating.  I'm a student and relatively soon-to-be grad student.  I am a plant geek and have an unhealthy preoccupation with lichens, cats, and general nerd-lore.  I am okay with this.  My partner is okay with this and we are nerds together.

I work at a lot of different places in Philadelphia.  I am employed at a garden center where I tend more to people than to the plants I love.  I coordinate a project on Temple Ambler campus that involves propagating native trees to plant at Fairmount Park in an effort to offset carbon emissions generated by the Philadelphia Zoo.  I also work to propagate non-native species there for specimen plants at the arboretum. I am the Invasive Plant Steward at High School Park and in addition to invasive removal, plant natives in their place to aid in restoring the landscape of the 11-acre plot.  I also work at Fairmount Park in the native plant nursery to propagate native plants for various uses around the city.  I have no time to myself or for anyone else, really.  I am also okay with this.

My pursuit to learn as much as I can about the world around me is infinite.  If you also enjoy such things, perhaps we ought to follow one another's blog.  If not, I may just get a good laugh at your expense and end up following you on this thing anyway.

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